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Student Placements

Join us for this Part of Your Journey

CFM counselling has a Christian ethos: therefore, any student applying for placement with us needs to be a practicing Christian or sympathetic with the Christian faith.


We accept students at degree/diploma level who have been authorised by their tutor as competent to work with clients.


Students are invited to apply to CFM Counselling at any time. Our manager will then contact each applicant for an informal chat before an interview is offered.


We advise students to have a second placement as we are not always able to guarantee that we will be able to allocate sufficient clients to meet your quota of client hours.


We request that students meet with at least 4 clients at one time depending on client and student availability however, this may not always be possible.


Students are requested to integrate with our team of counsellors and attend team meetings held a maximum of 3 times per year (subject to requirement) and to attend any team training that is held.


As a charity we commit to supporting our students throughout their placements and provide management and clinical supervision.


Student Requirements

Students need to provide upon request for placement a Curriculum Vitae containing the details of two referees one of which must be a current tutor.


Details of which university/college/ training provider they are studying with.


All relevant educational certificates.


If offered a Placement

Students need to provide a current DBS Certificate and details of status (if no DBS certificate we can organize a check to be undertaken).


Availability for client work.


A 4-way Agreement provided by their university/college/training provider.




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